
The Value of Lived Experience: Gary Sanford of Caring for Denver – Good & Grounded Podcast

Good & Grounded Podcast

In 2018, 70% of Denver voters said yes to raising funds to help heal members of our community dealing with mental health and substance misuse issues. Caring For Denver was formed to oversee $0.25 from every $100 spent into a community fund for mental health and substance misuse needs. On this episode of Good & Grounded, Jim Licko and Laura Love talk with Gary Sanford, with the Caring For Denver Foundation, about how his team decides how to distribute more than $35 million annually to support programs in Denver that provide alternatives to jails and emergency rooms as a first stop for those in crisis. If you want to make a positive impact, visit caring4denver.org and share a personal story to help normalize the conversation around mental health or substance issues.