
Caring For Denver Foundation Opens $10 Million Funding Opportunity 

The Arapahoe Pinnacle

By Zoe Wells

A new funding opportunity opens new doors for resources relating to mental health, trauma, and substance abuse from the Caring For Denver Foundation.

On November 10th, 2020, the Caring For Denver Foundation opened $10 million to fund youth in need of services relating to mental health, trauma, and substance abuse. The foundation was founded and funded by voters in Colorado to address mental health and substance abuse needs within the community. As Colorado has been named for having the highest rate of deaths by overdose, this funding could save lives.

Rep. and Board Chair of Caring For Denver Foundation Leslie Herod pictured here.

It is “an opportunity for young people, who often feel invisible, to take the lead in shaping their futures”, says Board Chair of Caring For Denver Representative Leslie Herod. Continued by Lorez Meinhold, the Executive Director of Caring For Denver, “We are looking for innovative mental health and substance misuse approaches that are youth-led, focus on the strengths of youth, and meet them where they are”. The main goals of this project are to:

  1. Reduce youth harm to self and others through addressing trauma, mental health, and substance misuse.
  2. Increase youth ability to demonstrate healthy resilience for coping with challenges and stresses in life.
  3. Increase awareness and involvement by family and allies in ways that help youth address trauma, mental health, and substance misuse.
  4. Improve mental health and/or reduced substance misuse by youth.

As the deadline of December 17th for applications comes, Denver will see lives change before its eyes.